Christian Peschken's thoughts

Posts tagged ‘portfolio investments’

Does Catholic money cause a Catholic impact?

Let me begin by stating that I respect the ‘handful’ Catholic investors out there, who successfully help Catholic causes! Thank you for them, and may God bless them richly…but they are not enough!

I want to focus here on those Catholic investors who are engaged in diversified investments (mutual funds etc.). This type of investment strategy leads to statements like “ My portfolio manager handles this. Personally I do not know where my money actually was invested into.”

Now, aren’t there numerous mutual funds and portfolios that receive hundreds of millions from Catholic investors each year?

Obviously they have no problem taking ‘Catholic’ money. Money that obviously doesn’t talk…on the contrary it remains silent.

What is the ‘Catholic’ impact in our society that ‘Catholic Money’ causes, through diversified investments, except the impact that it causes on the bank account of those who invest, those who manage it and those who receive it?

How does this Catholic money change the secular landscape into a more Catholicism based landscape?

Why is our society, and the commercial market still so Anti Catholic?

I say that Catholic portfolio investments cause little to nothing in our secular, anti Catholic, anti Christian religion society.

Hot industries, new stock offerings, or guess at market cycles, is part of the standard criteria for wealth managers. Also a handful of standard ‘Christian’ moral and ethical aspects. But in the end it is all about profits. Profits not generated by a Catholic impact in the market, but by a secular impact.

I believe that our good God does not bless people with financial wealth so they just multiply it, and give ‘some’ to the poor and the needy?

Take a look at the world around us. I think it is urgent time for wealthy, serious Catholic investors not to invest in mutual funds and all sorts of portfolios, but to invest their money directly into ventures (in whatever corporate, legal, shape and form these ventures need to be set up to accommodate the investors and entrepreneurs) that are controlled and run by magisterium faithful, practicing Catholic entrepreneurs.

Today, more then ever before, we need Catholic products and services that have the potential to cause a great Catholic impact on our secular society. Also don’t forget that great impact generates great returns and great profits!

This can only be accomplished through selected direct investments.

There is that stigma that Catholic product & services, for the most part, are non profit, charity endeavors, donation supported, without any profit potential. And no doubt, there are non profit organizations that need that type of support.

However, there is a growing group of professional, Catholic entrepreneurs (like myself) who have concepts and business plans for Catholic ventures, that will cause a huge Catholic impact in our secular society, and has great profit potential.

We have no lack of experience and knowledge, no lack of devotion to our Catholic faith, but only lack of money for the realization of our projects!

This should be viewed also as part of our call for the New Evangelization!

Motivated Catholic investors coupled with professional Catholic entrepreneurs will cause a powerful, lasting Catholic impact in the secular market. And that is needed now!

We will not be judged based on our success or failure, but only based on our true intentions and efforts!

(Note: Please forgive this German if there are any grammatical mistakes. I tried my best. But even errors won’t change the message!)